Latest Episodes

A Muslim Woman's Experience as an RCMP Officer - Cst. Zahira Baji
In this episode we speak with Cst. Zahira Baji, an officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and one of the first hijabis...

Islam Unravelled: History and Personal Journey of Mufti Aasim Rashid
In this episode we spead with Mufti Aasim Rashid about his personal journey and engagement work countering Islamophobia in Canada. We then look at...

Interview with Tony McAleer — former Neo Nazi on the Cure For Hate
In this interview Tony shares his perspective with Islam Unravelled on overcoming hate, gleaned from over a thousand hours of therapy, group work, and...

RCMP BC Hate Crimes team and the Muslim community - with Cpl. Anthony Statham
In this Podcast the Islam Unravalled team speaks with Cpl. Anthony Statham regarding the work done on engagement and the relationship built between the...

Metro Vancouver Transit Police with Cst. Shiraaz Hanif - Islam Unravelled
Today we have Cst. Shiraaz Hanif of the Metro Vancouver Transit Police with us to discuss his role as a Transit Police Community Engagement...

Know Your Muslim Neighbor Episode 2: The Islamic Concept of God Who is Allah?
This Episode of Islam Unravelled's Know Your Muslim Neighbor deals with the Islamic concept of God and shares the understanding of Who Allah Is....